Category: News

How to unregister for an event

Our event management software does not allow individuals to unregister for an event at this time. If you need to cancel your registration for any event please email: with the details and we will remove you from the attendee list manually. Thank you!

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Renewing your Imported Membership

After importing all our our users and memberships, one interesting thing has emerged. Our new membership model is subscription based, with automatic renewals as we’ve previously announced, $50 to sign up, $50 every year renewed automatically until you cancel.  Problem:Memberships from the old website were one-time memberships and were not able to import as renewing subscriptions. What this means: Your existing membership rolled over to our new site with the same expiration date as you originally had.  You will not be […]

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AZLRO pricing plans

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AZLRO Sponsors

These are our special 25th Anniversary sponsors. Please support those who support us!

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List of Events

Click on Register to see details, if a trip shows “Sold Out” you may still register for the waitlist if one is available.  

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