Q: Can I attend if I am not driving a vehicle?
A:Yes. Two options here:
a) find someone willing to let you ride along (you won’t get any Gila Goodies paid for by your registration that way, though), or 
b) Pay the registration fee (and get the Gila Goodies) and the Challenge Marshalls will make sure we get you a ride in a team’s vehicle.

Q: Do I need to have my own team set up before I  register? 
A: No! In fact, if you think you can assemble the right people and vehicles with the mojo to win – that’s not going to happen. Part of the fun of this event will be meeting new people and figuring out how to work together to overcome challenges – when you find out who’s on your assigned team! The Challenge Marshalls will be assigning teams at the event.

Q: I have my whole family riding with me in my rig… Do I have to pay for each of them?
Yes, but there is only one “main” registration driver/vehicle fee. The fee(s) for additional passengers/family is mainly to cover our meal costs on Saturday night and is much less than the main “vehicle” fee.  

Q: How is cellphone coverage in and around the Event Headquarters?
Patchy/spotty, depending on your carrier.

Q: What’s the food situation?
 Dinner is provided Saturday night.